New global Net-Zero standard launched by the Science Based Targets initiative, TODAY!
The SBTi has launched a revolutionary net-zero standard TODAY and we strive to be the first company in the world to tell you all about it! WHY IS THIS STANDARD SO CRITICAL? Because mankind has caused an imbalance between the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) released into the atmosphere and […]
What’s HOT in the ESG agenda right now?
With COP26 fast approaching, there have been many developments surrounding climate change and ESG in general including policy changes, the creation of new reporting frameworks, the announcement of a standard for Net-Zero Carbon and many other publications that the industry had been waiting for quite some time. The industry has […]
Superbonus 80% to refurbish Italian hotels and other assets in the hospitality sector!
E.S.G. Solutions Ltd and our commercial partner MIR Solution Srl are happy to announce that government subsidies up to 80% of the whole cost of the refurbishment works and associated consultancy fees are being allocated to Italian real estate assets which are going to be refurbished by 31st December 2024. A […]
Please join us in welcoming Ian to the team!
After reviewing over 50 CVs of suitable candidates for the role, E.S.G. Solutions is delighted to announce that Ian Keenleyside has been appointed this week as our new Head of Sustainability! With a strong technical background in environmental sustainability, energy compliance and construction management, Ian is coming from global construction, […]
One small step for man…
Honoured to have been invited by the European Technology Chamber to join the panel of the “Buildings Designed for Better Environments” event today! Actually feeling really proud to NOT have paid a sponsorship for a speaker’s spot and to have donated our time to an initiative which allowed to plant […]
We’ve been invited to join the Buildings Designed for Better Environments panel!
We are very excited about the invitation by the European Technology Chamber to join the panel at this amazing event! Our founder Antonio Messina is going to be one of the speakers and will love to answer your questions about sustainability and ESG in the built environment. According to data […]
Climatisation mon amour!
I haven’t been writing a thought-provoking article for some time – a month? 😉 – but today, with dry bulb temperatures exceeding 40 degrees these days in many South European cities and various nations/companies/buildings/products pledging to become net-zero carbon the day after tomorrow, I would like to say something about […]
GRESB 2021 – Lessons learned and industry insight
GRESB 2021 was an interesting challenge to undertake in the midst of a global pandemic with many asset owners struggling to gather data and properly prepare internally for the assessment due to enforced home working conditions. Here are some of our lessons learned and insights immediately following the recent submissions. […]
Brewdog – A fascinating case
If you are a sustainability professional and enjoy your pints, then you most certainly haven’t missed the case of the first “carbon negative” beer business in the world. Their impressive marketing campaign convinced many of their customers that drinking Brewdog wasn’t just a punk choice to make, but also an […]