- December 15, 2021
GRESB 2022 | Important udpate!
On 13th December 2021, GRESB have made available the pre-release document for the GRESB real estate and infrastructure assessments for 2022. These documents grant insight into the changes that will occur between the 2021 and 2022 assessments with regards to the indicators, scoring and reporting timeline. Having E.S.G. Solutions already reviewed the pre-release document and also attended the follow-up Partners call, we would like to share the insight gained with our readers.
In summary, GRESB have prioritised the establishment of the GRESB Foundation and the development of a five-year Roadmap for GRESB in 2021, with the aim of launching this new roadmap in 2023. As a result, there have been very few changes to the 2022 Assessment when compared to the 2021 Assessment.
Of the three Components that make up the real estate assessment (Management, Performance and Development), GRESB has only made changes to the Management Component. They have also added a minor change to the Entity Characteristics section. These changes are as follows:
- EC2 Nature of ownership: Added the option of selecting social housing.
- LE4 ESG taskforce/committee: C-suite level staff has been expanded to include senior management.
- LE5 ESG and/or climate-related senior decision-maker: C-suite level staff has been expanded to include senior management.
- LE6 Personnel ESG performance targets: C-suite level staff has been expanded to include senior management.
In terms of scoring, the pre-release document does not provide a full breakdown of how each indicator will be scored in 2022, however they have confirmed that the scoring will remain very similar and that in particular the resilience aspects (RM5-RM6.4) will remain as not scored in 2022.
Lastly, the pre-release has provided the timeline for the 2022 reporting cycle which will be centred around these key dates:
- March 1: Assessment reference guides will become available
- April 1: GRESB Portal opens
- June 1: Deadline to request a Response Check
- July 1: GRESB Portal closes for the 2022 Assessment
- September 1: Preliminary results are provided to participants
- October 1: Release of the 2022 GRESB Results
Final confirmation of the indicators and scoring methodology will be provided on 1st March 2022 once the new reference guide has been made available.
The full document can be found here, please don’t hesitate to be in touch if you would like more clarification about GRESB and ESG benchmarking.