- November 2, 2021
COP26 Presidency Program
The 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) kicked off in Glasgow with the ambitious aim of keeping a 1.5 degree world alive, after previous summits have failed to inspire level of urgency required to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050 or even earlier. As part of the opening sessions, world leaders have given speeches, made pledges, celebrated “achievements”, and called for action…again with the hope of inspiring change across the world.
Over the next two weeks, governments, businesses and community leaders will hold talks to accelerate actions to tackle the climate crisis, part of which will be to finalise the Paris Rulebook (a detailed set of rules to put the Paris Agreement into practice).
Running alongside the COP is the Presidency Program, which is a series of targeted events aimed at driving the world to a more sustainable society. Many colleagues, clients and friends have asked us for a clear schedule of the key events, as they are planning to visit Glasgow and felt a bit overwhelmed by the number of initiatives, networking events and workshops that are being advertised these days. Our Sustainability Consultant Theo Bibby has kindly put this together for you:
• Monday 1st – Tuesday 2nd November: World Leaders Summit
• Wednesday 3rd: Finance – mobilising public and private finance flows at scale for mitigation and adaptation
• Thursday 4th: Energy – accelerating the global transition to clean energy
• Friday 5th: Youth and Public Empowerment -elevating the voice of young people
• Saturday 6th: Nature – ensuring the importance of nature and sustainable land use are part of global action on climate change
• Sunday 7th: Rest day
• Monday 8th: Adaptation, Loss, and Damage – delivering practical solutions needed to adapt to climate impacts
• Tuesday 9th: Gender – progressing gender equality and meaningful participation of women and girls in climate action
• Tuesday 9th: Science and Innovation – Demonstrating that science and innovation can deliver climate solutions
• Wednesday 10th: Transport – driving the global transition to zero-emission transport
• Thursday 11th: Cities, Regions and Built Environment – Advancing action in the places we live, from communities to cities and regions.
• Friday 12th: Closure of Negotiations
The events can be found here.
At E.S.G. Solutions, we hope that the discussions begun at the pre-COP events in Milan and continuing in Glasgow this month can drive the level of action required to tackle climate change and will keep you informed as the conference progresses.