We are very excited about the invitation by the European Technology Chamber to join the panel at this amazing event! Our founder Antonio Messina is going to be one of the speakers and will love to answer your questions about sustainability and ESG in the built environment.
According to data from the United Nations (UN), in 2050 around 68% of humanity will live in cities. This represents only 3% of the planet’s surface but consumes 78% of energy and produces 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, the UN itself improved the New Urban Agenda to advise countries on their urbanization processes and make cities more habitable, inclusive, healthy, resilient and sustainable.
Sustainability has become an integral aspect of contemporary architectural design and is not only about using suitable materials, limiting non-renewables, and ensuring energy efficiency. A green building has to factor in every aspect of its lifecycle, right from siting, design, and construction, through operation, maintenance, and renovation, to end-of-life when the materials can be retrieved and recycled. Moreover is about the methods, use of sustainable materials, and landscaping that consider a site’s biodiversity and existing natural features.
We are looking forward to an engaging conversation next Friday 24th September at 08:00 UK time. Registration link here: https://www.linkedin.com/events/buldingsdesignedforbetterenviro6839503515614900224/.